“My hoomon says that because I’m not house trained yet, I have to sleep in this big crate thing. I don’t mind really, because it keeps out all the night-time nasties. I think I’ll lie here looking all cute and forlorn until someone gives me a snuggle. Good night.” — […]
Daily archives: August 23, 2014
“Taking up as much space as possible, as we doggies do…” — Summer
Just having a snooze
“I’m really starting to figure out this ‘cute’ thing, don’t you think?” — Summer
It’s been a long day
“I don’t know what this round red thing is, but I’m sure it needs killing. Give me a minute…” — Summer
My first ball
“Someone told me I should endeavour to look cute, but I can only do ‘shy’.” — Summer
I’m hiding
“Yay! I’m not sure what all this green stuff is, but it looks like fun!” — Summer
Green stuff
“I’m a bit busy working on my lunch. I’ll return your call later.” — Summer
“Hi world! I’m Summer, and I’ve just moved in to my ‘forever home’. The hoomon with the hair is my new bestest buddy in the whole world. He’s going to teach me lots of things and take me for many walkies. Keep reading my posts to learn more about me […]
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