What do you get if you give an infinite number of humans an infinite number of computers and an infinite amount of time? I’ve no idea, but I can tell you what a finite number of humans with a finite number of computers and just 30 days gets you… 50,000 words per entrant in NaNoWriMo.
NaNoWriMo is an affliction that affects many otherwise sane people during the month of November. It’s a predictable affliction because it happens every year. Without fail.
It’s time for the National Novel Writing Month. That’s the event which invariably takes people longer than a month, most tend to type rather than write, and it’s international rather than national. So what should they have called it? IntNoTypYr? That would be silly.
For my sins, I’m doing NaNo again this year, and this blog will detail a little about how I progress. Actually, I’m going to cheat a bit… but more about that another time.
More info: http://www.nanowrimo.org