NaNoWriMo 2014, Day 4

The combination of work plus streaming with a cold delayed the start of my NaNoWriMo this year, so much that I wrote nothing for the first two days.  On the third day, I had to make a decision.  I either got some words down, or I gave up much hope of even having a go this year.  So, when I could have been having an extra hour’s sleep, I bashed out just over 1,000 words.

NaNo2014_progress_day04On the fourth day, I made the mistake of getting too carried away with the writing, and seeing midnight approach, I got trapped by the word count.  I would get my count over 4,000 words before midnight!  I did it, but I shouldn’t have.  This cold is worse today.  I need more sleep.

But, as a famous Doctor once said, “Sleep is for tortoises, not for Wrimos.”  Okay, he didn’t say that last bit, but he would have had he known about NaNoWriMo.

In the end, what did I decide to write?  I knew that I was going to get something done with my current “story of five parts”.  It deserves more time, effort, and words.  “Mindy’s Story” can’t be the only one that gets completed.  I’ve not really given the other parts the planning that they need so, to start my NaNo, I’ve decided to go backwards a little and write a bit of background for Sebastian and Alice.  Who’s Alice?, I hear you say.  You didn’t say that?  Must have been me.  Alice helps us uncover a little about Sebastian’s past, or she does in the scene I’ve written for NaNoWriMo so far.

With this scene, I’ve redefined “Sebastian’s Story” a little bit.  It should help me pull what I’ve previously written back on course, and will help focus this part of the overall story.  At least, that’s my hope.