The World According to Summer

Summer951“I was very good on my walkies today.

At the end of the walk, my lead came away from my collar, but I didn’t notice. I thought we were just running fast back home. So I bombed off down the road at my fastest speed, thinking maybe the hoomon had found some speed (as he keeps sneaking off to the running club twice a week).

Before I got to the corner, and the busy road, I heard my hoomon issue what he calls the ‘Emergency Recall’ (he whistled!). I must have trained him well, because I immediately turned around and flew back to him as fast as my little leggies would go.

He said I was very good and gave me one of his posh ‘Jackpot’ treats, so I know I did something that was really, really good. He always gives me one of those treats when I respond to his ‘Emergency Recall’, so it must be something that’s important to him.

Anyway, we’re both safely home now and he says he’s going to have to get me a new collar.”

— Summer.