Sherlock Holmes

The Judgement of Sherlock Holmes from 2014 is the fourth box-set in Big Finish‘s range of Sherlock Holmes adventures that star Nicholas Briggs as Sherlock Holmes and Richard Earl as Doctor Watson. In release terms, it follows on from The Ordeals of Sherlock Holmes but, as with just about all […]

4. The Judgement of Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes: The Death and Life from Big Finish is an audio adaptation of the second of David Stuart Davies’ one-man stageplays as performed by Roger Llewellyn and directed by Nicholas Briggs.  This second play covers some of the same ground as the previous one, Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act, […]

Sherlock Holmes: The Death and Life

In The Last Act, Sherlock Holmes reminisces on his life in the aftermath of the passing of his dear friend John Watson. The first act of The Last Act sees Holmes taking the listener through an almost auto-biographical potted history of his time with Watson, complete with snippets and memories […]

Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act

Nicholas Briggs and Richard Earl are back as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson in The Adventure of The Fleet Street Transparency from Big Finish.  Available as a standalone download for £2.99 or as part of 6. Sherlock Holmes: The Master of Blackstone Grange, this adventure takes place sometime before Holmes’ […]

6.X The Adventure of The Fleet Street Transparency

After leaving the train, Holmes & Watson rejoice in their escape as they head to the city and the British Embassy.  On the road they’re stopped when Watson sees, surrounding them, many fields just streaming with crops of the odd blue flower that he first saw in Afghanistan. Their rejoicing comes […]

3.04 The Sowers of Despair, cont’d

It’s 1919 by the time of the fourth story in the Big Finish audio epic The Ordeals of Sherlock Holmes.  Holmes is well retired by this time, whilst Watson is enjoying a slower pace of life with his third wife.  Set some 16 years after The Bermondsey Cutthroats, The Sowers […]

3.04 The Sowers of Despair

Continuing The Adventure of the Bermondsey Cutthroats, Watson awakes in delirium, bound to his favourite chair, unable to move or to speak.  A blonde-haired man that laughs a lot at his predicament is watching the door, his back to Watson.  The woman who drugged him, goads him, torturing him with […]

3.03 The Bemondsey Cutthroats, cont’d

The third adventure in The Ordeals of Sherlock Holmes by Big Finish opens by doing what it says on the tin.  A woman is being interrogated and then tortured and killed by judicious use of knives by a poetry-loving woman and her knife-wielding cohort. Following the opening theme, Dr Watson […]

3.03 The Bermondsey Cutthroats

As expected, once The Gamekeeper’s Folly moves to the Gamekeeper’s village, the pace increases.  Immediately on leaving the train, Holmes & Watson encounter the author friend of Jim Hinderclay’s daughter who’s giving an impassioned lecture on her recent lively book, a book that features a woman that Holmes believes is the […]

3.02 The Gamekeeper’s Folly, cont’d

The second of four adventures of The Ordeals of Sherlock Holmes from Big Finish, starring Nicholas Briggs as Sherlock Holmes and Richard Earl as Dr Watson, is a more traditional Sherlock Holmes adventure that spends the first third of its duration in Holmes’ rooms with the client telling Holmes & Watson of his troubles. The […]

3.02 The Gamekeeper’s Folly

Continuing The Guttering Candle from The Ordeals of Sherlock Holmes with Nicholas Briggs as Sherlock Holmes, Richard Earl as Dr Watson, and John Banks as Inspector Lestrade, Holmes uses his flair with disguises to infiltrate a circus troupe as a ringmaster.  He ingratiates himself with a friend of the dead man, and […]

3.01 The Guttering Candle, cont’d

According to the Big Finish blurb, The Ordeals of Sherlock Holmes, the third “volume” in their Sherlock Holmes range, is described as “Four decades. Four cases. One solution.”.  On beginning my journey into this box-set, I cannot as yet either confirm or deny that summary.  What I can confirm is […]

3.01 The Guttering Candle