I haven’t been able to do as much this weekend as I’d originally expected, but I have managed to keep on target. Wordcount : 10,222 / 50,000 Target : 10,000 Onwards and upwards!
Had hoped to get more done today. Wordcount : 8,627 / 50,000 Target : 8,333 Fortunately, I did finally discover the key to the end of one of the major plot points today. That should bode well for future word counts.
NaNo Day 5
Found a little time to catch up on my shortfall today. Wordcount : 5,021 / 50,000 Target : 5,000 Back on target and ready to head into the weekend, if my characters take it upon themselves to let me know where they want to take their paths in the story […]
NaNo Day 3
Just managed to squeeze in a couple more words today. Wordcount : 1,763 / 50,000 Target : 3,334 Falling a little behind, but I’m not worried yet.
NaNo Day 2
NaNoWriMo 2011 has begun! This is my first wordcount of the month : 529 / 50,000 words. Any more will have to wait until I’m awake…