The Adventure of the Perfidious Mariner, cont’d


The Adventure of the Perfidious Mariner ends well, with Holmes “solving” the mystery of the haunting woman.  It’s an adventure whereby the journey is arguably better than the destination, because there isn’t really much of a mystery to solve.

The story ends with a link to Holmes’ final Conan Doyle story, but with a parallel path for Holmes & Watson to travel down before they reach that story.

I don’t know if it’s Big Finish’s intention to only do “retired Holmes” adventures, but I don’t think it really matters.  Whilst Nick Briggs makes a great audio Holmes, I’m not sold on him sounding any older than in his other adventures.  Other than the emphasis on Watson being upset with Holmes, the mention of the intervening years, Holmes’ cottage and bees, and some mystery about what went wrong 7 years ago, there’s not really any reason for this to be an older Holmes except that someone wanted to do one that involved the Titanic.