22. The Snows of Terror

TheSnowsOfTerror2Doctor Who continued …

A rough trapper, who isn’t tough enough to kill people but will let them die, decides it’s time to “Benny Hill-run” Barbara around a table.

That’s about it, really, for this one.

Little bit of strange logic going on, in that they get frostbite relatively quickly, but Ian decides to go outside in just a fur and nothing covering his head or arms.  Selective frostbite, presumably?

TheSnowsOfTerror1This serial continues to deliver convincing set pieces, although they can’t quite hide the polystyrene snow, and the film-for-ice in the ice cave.  The knights come across as something out of Monty Python, sadly, otherwise that could have been a dramatic part of the episode.

Good cliffhanger in that Ian arrives in the other environment still with “snow” in his hair.

Next time … Sentence of Death