172. The Tomb of the Cybermen, episode 4

TombOfTheCybermen00006 Doctor Who, season 5 continues …

So the end of Tomb of the Cybermen effectively boils down to “they didn’t get out of the hole in the ground, so went back into deep freeze instead”.

Any drama and suspense built up before the finale is thrown completely away by the Cyber Controller suddenly announcing “you’re all running out of battery power, so you’d better all go and have a kip”.

Once the army is gone, the Controller (running on fumes) has to stagger all weak to be rejuvenated.  TombOfTheCybermen00008While he’s busy, it turns out that the conversion of Toberman can be overturned with a quick word by the Doctor telling him that the woman who treated him like cr*p has been killed.

That allows Toberman to knobble the Cyber Controller long enough for the Doctor to shut the door and turn on the electric, and everyone runs away.  Oh, except for a Cybermat – the thing that stopped everyone from moving around the control room in the previous episode is easily ignored and stepped over in the final episode.  Why couldn’t they just step over them last time out?

TombOfTheCybermen00010In conclusion, although it comes across better than it did before, The Tomb of the Cybermen is a long way from the best that Troughton’s had to offer so far in his incarnation.

The shallow story, the poor execution, and the soft resolution leaves us with a “so what?” story.

Next time … The Abominable Snowmen