Mark Strickson

Short Trips are Big Finish‘s answer to audiobooks.  Unlike the “Chronicles” ranges (Doctor Who – Companion Chronicles, and Blakes 7 – The Liberator Chronicles), Short Trips feature just one voice who “reads” the story and does various attempts at other characters.  The occasional sound effect/music helps things nip along but, […]

DWST6.01 – Gardens of the Dead

Following the first episode of the second Big Finish audio production, Phantasmagoria, I’ve been listening to the remaining three episodes over recent evenings and, last night, I finished the final episode.  For the most part, I’m glad it’s over. The positives are that it plays like an adventure that may […]

2. Phantasmagoria, parts 2-4

Phantasmagoria is the second Doctor Who audio adventure from Big Finish, released in 1999, after their initial outing with The Sirens of Time.  Written by Mark Gatiss, directed by Nicholas Briggs, and starring Peter Davison (the 5th Doctor), Mark Strickson (Turlough), with David Walliams, Nicholas Briggs, Mark Gatiss, and others. […]

2. Phantasmagoria, part 1