Michael Cochrane

The third adventure in The Ordeals of Sherlock Holmes by Big Finish opens by doing what it says on the tin.  A woman is being interrogated and then tortured and killed by judicious use of knives by a poetry-loving woman and her knife-wielding cohort. Following the opening theme, Dr Watson […]

3.03 The Bermondsey Cutthroats

The final episode eventually reveals the Master’s real plan.  It’s a typical over-complicated plan with the necessary apocalyptic consequences to resolve a relatively minor problem.  Very Master-like.  And the Doctor solves all the problems in a typical non-apocalyptic sideways look at the danger. In all, this has been a great […]

4DA1.06 The Oseidon Adventure, cont’d

The Oseideon Adventure continues directly on from Trail of the White Worm. It’s not entirely necessary to have listened to the previous adventure prior to this one, except that the cliffhanger that begins the adventure would be a little confusing if you come into it fresh. The non-spoiler review is […]

4DA1.06 The Oseidon Adventure

Now this is more like it! Whether it’s because this story continues on a second CD, thus making it a four-parter (I guess), is something that’ll be made clear later however, the first episode is much better than anything else of this first season of the 4th Doctor Adventures from […]

4DA1.05 Trail of the White Worm