4DA1.06 The Oseidon Adventure


The Oseideon Adventure continues directly on from Trail of the White Worm.

It’s not entirely necessary to have listened to the previous adventure prior to this one, except that the cliffhanger that begins the adventure would be a little confusing if you come into it fresh.

The non-spoiler review is – the Master achieves his goal, unleashes a new enemy on Earth, but one that’s not necessarily co-operating with him.

More in-depth, the Kraals are back!  Yes, okay, the cover was a bit of a giveaway.  The wormhole opened by the Master allows them to reach Earth and what follows is kind of an enhanced version of The Android Invasion with Kraal scientists creating androids, and everyone getting a bit confused as to who is really who they say they are.

Just when you think this part of the story is going on for two episodes, the end of this episode throws in a few startling revelations – not least of which is the Master himself, and his real plan.

It almost ends up like a standalone adventure in the middle of a 4-parter.  Rather than feeling cheated by such a short duration, this actually reinvigorates the story.  It makes good use of the 4-episode format (it’s probably longer than that given that each episode here is closer to 30 minutes).

Looking forward to the final episode.