Monthly archives: February 2017

The Daleks’ plan turned out to be slightly different than I surmised, with the energy being used to create an energy cocoon around the Earth to use gravity to throw the moon out of orbit and cause such destruction on Earth that the humans will be made extinct before they […]

4DA1.04 Energy of the Daleks, cont’d

The Energy of the Daleks from Big Finish is an example of how the two-episode limitation shows itself up, like a nooWHO episode, of being too short.  Even though each episode is 30 minutes, giving us a 1hr adventure, rather than 45 minutes on TV, you can tell that the […]

4DA1.04 Energy of the Daleks

I listened to the rest of The Wrath of the Iceni last night and, sadly, it doesn’t improve much. There is no real plot to the story beyond the Doctor getting locked up, escaping (thanks to a woman), caught, locked up again, escaping (thanks to Leela), etc, before he finally […]

4DA1.03 The Wrath of the Iceni, cont’d