Tim Treloar

Having recently been impressed with Tim Treloar’s 3rd Doctor voice, I took advantage of a recent Big Finish special offer to download Damascus, one of their “Short Trips” range of short stories, which features Treloar narrating a 3rd Doctor adventure. The adventure is told from the perspective of Prime Minister […]

DWST6.08 – Damascus

The first episode of this Third Doctor Adventures box-set from Big Finish is available as a free download to newsletter subscribers, so I took the opportunity to listen to it last night. The first issue to address is the recasting of the 3rd Doctor as Tim Treloar. I’m pleased to report […]

The Transcendence of Ephros, part 1

Having finished Destination: Nerva, I summarise it as it starting well and ending well, but the middle is just a typical “infection/contagion” story.  Probably a good thing that it didn’t stretch to a four-parter.  Still, it’s a fairly safe story to begin his series with. After the final episode, there […]

Destination: Nerva, cont’d

The first of the Fourth Doctor Adventures, from 2012, is a whole different affair to The Sirens of Time, the most recent Big Finish story I listened to.  More self-assured than the their early days, this Big Finish product is quite enjoyable from the first moment. I’ve just listened to the first […]

4DA1.01 Destination: Nerva