
A Most Excellent Match by Matt Fitton is the second story in the Big Finish audio release of Recorded Time and Other Stories. Peri is trapped in a virtual reality world of Jane Austen, where her biggest worry is which husband to pick (Darcy or the Doctor!).  The Doctor tries […]

150. Recorded Time and Other Stories

Paradoxcide by Richard Dinnick is the second story in the Big Finish audio release of Recorded Time and Other Stories. While fixing the TARDIS, the 6th Doctor picks up a distress call which Peri recognises as being in her own voice.   They visit the lost planet of Sendos, a […]

150. Recorded Time and Other Stories

Big Finish‘s latest TV tie-in special offer is Grand Theft Cosmos by Eddie Robson. From the title, you’d expect this to be some kind of video-game inspired spoof on “Grand Theft Auto”.  I’ve never played it, so I wouldn’t know if it’s related, but the seemingly linked title is what […]

Grand Theft Cosmos

As I only seem to have the odd half-hour available to listen to things at present, I started listening to the Big Finish audio adventure Recorded Time and Other Stories. This is a collection of four single-episode short Doctor Who stories featuring the sixth Doctor (Colin Baker) with Peri (Nicola […]

150. Recorded Time and Other Stories

Recently, Big Finish did a Companion Chronicles sale.  The reduction in price to £5 wasn’t a big enough reduction to entice me to buy too many of them, but I had heard many good things about one such adventure and so I stumped up the money for… Peri and The […]

Peri and the Piscon Paradox

In UNIT : The Coup, the first of Big Finish‘s UNIT adventures, Lethbridge-Stewart is wheeled out to be the public face of UNIT during a time of transition.  The UK branch of UNIT is ceding authority to a new organisation (given recent events in the news, the unfortunately-titled ISIS). As Lethbridge-Stewart prepares […]

UNIT : The Coup

In Big Finish‘s audio adventure Helicon Prime, Jamie (Frazer Hines), recalls a tale in which he and the 2nd Doctor were caught up in a murder mystery on Helicon Prime but all is not quite what it seems and the Doctor appears to be distracted. The story (Jamie remembering the incident) […]

CC2.02 Helicon Prime

I finally found the time to start listening to some Big Finish audios, and chose The Selachian Gambit last night.  This was offered for £2.99 recently in recognition of the similarly themed bank job TV episode Time Heist. The audio and the TV episode have a lot in common.  Neither […]

CC6.08 The Selachian Gambit

Thanks to the recent Big Finish sale, I’ve been listening to the first series of Jago & Litefoot over recent evenings.  There have been 10 series of Jago & Litefoot now (each series being a box-set of four adventures, with the 10th due out in October 2015).  Sadly, at £30/£35 […]

Jago & Litefoot, series 1